Tag: jon snow

Who is that dude wielding the flaming sword and what does he bring to the Game Of Thrones table? 
This week on 'Game of Thrones': Battle rages outside Winterfell between the Starks and Boltons; Dany tries to defend Meereen from the Masters; Jen dies from the insanity of it all. Spoilers through Game of Thrones 609,...

Let’s over prepare for this week’s epic ‘Game of Thrones’ showdown: “Battle of the Bastards”

Spoilers through all of Game of Thrones. Every part of it. Yea, even that one obscure book fact only you noticed. This Sunday Game...

‘Game of Thrones’ – “Oathbreaker”: What’s in the Tower?

Game of Thrones 6x03, "Oathbreaker": Spoilers for everyone. Even you, you needy book readers. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Game...

Does Dead Mean Dead on Game of Thrones?

Does dead mean dead on Game of Thrones? The Workprint's Jen Stayrook digs into what death means in Westeros. **Spoilers through the fifth season of Game...

‘Game of Thrones’ Review – Kill the Boy, and Let the Man Be Born

As long as that man isn't ramsay bolton It took us until the fifth episode, but we finally have a solid Game of Thrones episode...

‘Game of Thrones’: “The House of Black and White” – Dragons, Dorne, and Death Lists

But don't take the title literally because we aren't going to spend much time actually at the House of Black and White Is it just me...

5 Times Robb Stark was Hotter than Jon Snow

WINTER IS COMING, FRIENDS AND ENEMIES. The best time of year is nearly upon us, ya'll - only a little over two weeks until Game...

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