Tag: Barry Allen

The Flash Season 3, Episode 16: “Into the Speedforce” Original Air Date: March 14th, 2017 Grade: A With an adventure into the speed force, tension between fiancés, a reunion of old friends, and a series of Christmas-Carol-esque trials, the Flash once again nailed an...
This week on The Flash: The DC heroes team up to defeat the Dominators, a peaceful alien race who only want to talk. Spoilers through The Flash season three, episode eight: “Invasion!” Last night, The Flash's eighth...

‘The Flash’ Review – “Flashpoint”

*Note: Spoilers for Flashpoint and Season 2 of The Flash* Season 2 of The Flash ended with Barry running back in time to the night...

‘The Flash’ Season 3 – Who is The Rival?

It’s been announced that Vampire Diaries Star, Todd Lasance, is joining The Flash as The Rival. Todd will appear in a recurring capacity and...

‘The Flash’: Who is the Man in the Mask?

These comic book shows are stressing me out with all these questions. Who's in the pod? Who's in the grave? Why is Daredevil such...

‘The Flash’ Crashes of the Week: “The Fury of Firestorm”

Season 2, Episode 4: "The Fury of Firestorm" Original Air Date: October 27th, 2015 Grade: C- Much like Arrow, The Flash has now become a show to...

‘The Flash’ Review: Introducing Yet Another Speedster, Jay Garrick

Just because it's a different life doesn't mean it's a worse one. Season 2, Episode 2: "Flash of Two Worlds" Original Air Date: October 13th, 2015 Grade:...

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