When we covered Good Omens season one, I called the adaptation perfect in that it kept true to the original vision of the story. I still believe that is true. I will admit that Neil Gaiman is easily one of my favorite writers. I’ve studied every book that he’s ever written, and even in my own work, my omnipresent narrator sounds like the voice of Neil Gaiman in my head. I call myself an unofficial Neil Gaiman expert because I just adore the way he utilizes Gods and mythology, humor, and non-violence. With themes of ethereal greater-than-us plans rooted in history and beliefs and dreams. Somehow, Gaiman’s tales find ways to get back to the heart of the character – this ever-present reminder that being human is a precious and most beautiful thing.
This is why I’m happy to say that Season 2 of Good Omens is all that and more. It is the most Doctor Who-vian of the series by a long shot. Featuring so much heart on the one hand, and so much nincompoopery on the other, that when combined, you get an ineffable tale of stupid love. This season is very much so Crawley and Aziraphale’s story. No grand overarching God narrator. No Adam apocalypse story or ties to any witch hunts or organizations. Instead, this round is mostly about its angels and a pair of new characters who are introduced.

This season is a big mystery involving the angel Gabriel, played by Jon Hamm, who has amnesia and is sort of the inciting incident to this story. The hows and whys easily become the threading mystery that carries the entire season, though let it be clear for anyone wanting to watch, this one is pure fan service and in the best of ways. Despite all the chaos and wistful takes on bureaucracy, the heart of it lies in seeing two best friends, oft-times shipped by fans, sort of going about caring for humanity and people and especially one another as they get older.
David Tennant plays Crowley with the type of zany unpredictable energy fully reminiscent of his best days as the 10th doctor. Michael Sheen gets giddy with class and genteel reserve as we learn a bit more about his origins. Honestly, the entire season feels like several episodes of Doctor Who with all of the wit and dry humor. Even though there isn’t as strong of a through line or as varied of an ensemble cast of characters, it’s still Good Omens in the best of ways.
I think this one will be a hit among fans. Mostly, because it’s Aziraphale and Crowley’s relationship story. Whether that’s love, a mutual benefitting partnership, a best friend, or all of the above is sort of up to you. Though I can’t stress enough, their caring about one another? That’s really the story this season. And I still love that.
Because it’s about the perfect odd couple. That’s the reason Good Omens Season 2 exists. And whether you’re a fan of the characters or just a gigantic Neil Gaiman fan like myself, it works. And is a whole lot of fun as an examination of characters.
Check out Good Omens Season 2 on July 28th.