Tag: FX

Atlanta Season 3 Episode 4 Review – The (big payback)

What differentiates a dream from a nightmare? Where is the line drawn? Well, it depends on which side you stand on.

Atlanta Season 3 Episode 3 Review – The Old Man and the Tree

Parties. They are still a thing, right? Ostensibly, in the U.K., they are the toast of the town if you can get your toe...

Atlanta Season 3 Episode 2 Review: Sinterklaas Is Coming To Town

Bad dreams aren't always nightmares. They psychologically hold a mirror to us and what we harbor—our loves, our hates, our desires, and our fears....

Atlanta Season 3 Episode 1 Review – Three Slaps

After an insufferable amount of time, we've finally touched down. Atlanta (FX) is back! We've all been on tenterhooks and this opener slaps. It...

Atlanta Season Three Amuse Bouche

We've seen everything from an invisible car to a rainbow piano. We've seen the white privilege versus the black struggle. What we haven't seen...

What We Do In The Shadows Recap: A Farewell

Some Goodbyes Are Just Messy It never feels good to say bye to someone. It's a secret power to hide behind the tears, the type...

‘What We Do In The Shadows’ Recap: The Wellness Center

When you're centuries old, why buy into a fast car when you can buy into a gym membership? Both will kill ya!

What We Do In The Shadows Recap: The Siren

It is in this lucky number seven episode of What We Do In the Shadows titled "The Siren", we'll dissect why sometimes of the heart can mire you down, punch you up, and ultimately end up in a silly sludge of dopamine.

What We Do In The Shadows Recap: The Escape

The aphorism of loving something by setting it free is so overused it's basically threadbare. I mean, we love our pets. There's a reason...

What We Do In The Shadows Recap: The Chamber of Judgement

As co-leaders Nadja and Nandor get their hands a bit dirty handing out justice, Laszlo and Colin hang out with Shaun and the guys.

What We Do In the Shadows Recap: The Casino

Guillermo with his posse of night-walkers (and Colin) travel to a land where feast and famine can be gained in an instant, a land where one may never return... Atlantic City.

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