“Lagrange Point” holds Discovery in the balance

A covert mission takes Michael and her team into the belly of the Breen beast... but to what end?

Victor Catano
Victor Catano
Victor Catano lives in New York City with his adorable pughuaua, Danerys. When not writing, he works in live theater as a stage manager, production manager, and chaos coordinator. His hobbies include coffee, Broadway musicals, and complaining about the NY Mets and Philadelphia Eagles. Follow him on BlueSky and Instagram at @vgcatano and find his books on Amazon

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Mary Fan: Well we’re nearly at the end of the season, and the penultimate episode takes us where all good treasure-hunt adventures end up: the big confrontation with the baddies in the metaphorical treasure room. The Discovery crew’s possum maneuver cost them so much..."Lagrange Point" holds Discovery in the balance