
Moon Knight’s Scarlet Scarab Comic Debut Makes for 2 From the MCU

Layla El-Faouly makes her debut as the Scarlet Scarab

Marvel Announces ‘Marvel Move’: A Mobile Fitness Program by ‘Zombies, Run’ creators!

Marvel Move is an upcoming Exercise Mobile Fitness Program that incorporates Marvel Characters into motivational Fitness Routines.

The Ashen Combine’s Arrival Is Heralded by The Avengers #1 This May

The Avengers as a team exist to contend with threats greater than any one of them individually can handle. After all, there's a reason...

Star Wars: Dark Droids brings the horror this summer in a galaxy far, far away!

The Star Wars Celebration Europe 2023 laid out the future of Star Wars comics. Marvel Editor-in-Chief C.B. Cebulski and Senior Lucasfilm Creative Executive Matt...

Former Heads of Comixology Establish Print and Digital Publisher DSTLRY

Adding to the trend of creator-owned comics, David Steinberger and Chip Mosher announce the creation of DSTLRY. A new multi-media publisher.

Batman #135 Marks 900 Issues with the Return of Jorge Jiménez, a Fantastic Conclusion to “The Bat-Man of Gotham”, and awesome variant covers!

On sale May 2nd, issue #135 finds Red Mask going up against the Caped Crusader in a fight for a Gotham City.

The Spider-Verse Expands With Spectacular Spider-Boy

There's a lot of spider-people out there thanks to the concept of the Spider-Verse. But the vast majority tend to be adults or young...

An Unexpected Cosmic Terror Threatens The Ten Realms in Thor Annual #1

Thor has faced some truly powerful and epic villains in his day, aliens from the farthest reaches of space to fiends wielding god-slaying swords...

DC drops the mic at MegaCon with a bevy of announcements!

Last week, WonderCon gave DC fans a first look at Wonder Woman, Batman: The Brave and the Bold, and Unstoppable Doom Patrol among other...

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