Tag: review

It's tough being a Dungeon Master. You set create a fun and challenging adventure for your party. You carefully plot out monsters and traps they will encounter. You meticulously map out a dungeon full of tricks...
After being disappointed by “Maya”, La Brea has more than made up for it with Tuesday’s adventure: “Fire Storm.” We begin in 2021 with Gavin getting kidnapped at gunpoint by a mystery woman. Ty and Sam are...

Isn’t It Romantic? ‘Quantum Leap’ Explores Relationships in “Nomad”

Quantum Leap is all about time, and keeping track of it in the show can lead to some head scratching. Just how long has...

“Monarch” finally gets the human element right in the Godzilla franchise

I love Godzilla. I love kaiju in general. Yes, I am That Guy, the one who will stop you when you say Godzilla breathes...

The Curse Review: What’s Meaning Without Understanding in “Pressure’s Looking Good So Far”

The second episode of The Curse gives us some ugly truths.

Three Bridges Is a Solid But Average Episode of Magnum P.I.

After last week's Magnum P.I., I was really hoping for an episode to deliver not only a solid storyline, but also some important recurring...

“Hit and Run” Marks the Beginning of the End for Magnum P.I.

I have mixed feelings about today's Magnum P.I. mid-season opener. On the one hand, I'm very happy that the show has officially returned, especially...

The Farce is Strong with A Musical About Star Wars

As far back as I can remember, I've always been a Star Wars fan. I saw Star Wars at the drive-in in 1977, long before...

‘Megalomaniac’ Review: A Disturbing Arthouse Film

Achieves its objectives in that it leaves you feeling terrible 

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is a beautiful journey into a stunning visual cacophony

I will start this review off by saying this movie gets ALL the stars. It is a truly amazing film that will garner heaps...

‘American Born Chinese’ Explores Identity Against a Fantasy Backdrop

We all (hopefully) know by now how much representation matters—both for those of a specific identity, to help them feel seen and understood, and...

Cat Fight Comic Review

Cat Fight, the fun new book from writer Andrew Wheeler and artist Ilias Kyriazis, is a clever new spin on the crime comic. I should...

Quantum Leap Gets Personal As Its Inaugural Season Comes to a Wild Conclusion

The first season of the new Quantum Leap has concluded, and, as promised, the show has tied up its dangling plot threads in a neat...

The Journey Part 2 Turns La Brea Completely on its Head

So after watching La Brea for two seasons now, I can safely say that mankind cannot ever be trusted with time travel. We have...

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