Tag: Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap Episode 5 Review: Salvation or Bust (Spoiler-Free)

  A distinct feature of the current TV era is the need - requirement, really - for overarching storylines even on shows designed to be...

Quantum Leap Hints at Connections to the Original (Spoiler-Free Review)

In the new Quantum Leap's first gender-bending episode, "A Decent Proposal," Dr. Ben Song leaps into the body of a young bounty hunter named Eva,...

Quantum Leap Delves Deeper Into its emotional core (Season 1, Episode 3 Spoiler-Free Review)

A Boxing Adventure Sees Ben Enter A Emotional Deep Dive

Quantum Leap Returns with Slicker Effects and the Same Heart (Spoiler-Free Review)

  As a Y2K teen, I often channel surfed after school or when the 'rents were out, searching for sci-fi. And every time the remote...

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