Tag: Eric Peterson

Published by the French publisher Humanoids, Space Bastards is what you get if you took something like The Boys but placed it in Futurama. Where the postal delivery services in the future are fueled by violence...
This third episode of "Kevin Can F**K Himself" brings more into the light of both Patty and Allison's plights and they do not go gentle into that good night.

Kevin Can F**k Himself Episode 2 Review: New Tricks

Surprises are not always a guaranteed hoot given this second lovely episode of Kevin Can F**k Himself.

Kevin Can F**k Himself Episode 1 Review: Living the Dream

In the first episode of Kevin Can F**k Himself (AMC) titled "Living the Dream", we take a look inside the lives of one couple that probably won't make the ranks of those "happy" couples: Kevin and Allison McRoberts.

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