Home Reviews ‘South Park’ Review: Oh Jeeze

‘South Park’ Review: Oh Jeeze


South Park
Season 20 Episode 7: Oh Jeeze
Original Air Date: November 9, 2016

OOOOOH JEEEEEZZZZEEE! I did not expect the US election results to be so quickly integrated into South Park’s seventh episode, especially with the outcomes coming in the day prior. With Trump winning the election and the American people slowly coming to grips with this revelation, it is pretty amazing that South Park has been able to incorporate it as quickly as they did.

As in real life, the Giant Douche has become the president-elect of the United States of America. The country is in shock and is still coming to terms with it, or not, like the suicide that occurred. No one believes it, this isn’t how it was supposed to happen, but now IT’S TIME TO FUCK THEM ALL TO DEATH!

Randy confronts Garrison to try and figure out what the hell is going on. He does not understand but gets memba berries vomited into his mouth. The world is slowly being brainwashed with the notion that women can be anything, except for president. This brainwashing continues to spread and the memba berries do not show any sign of slowing. Will South Park ever regain their freedom?

In the other main plot, Skankhunt42 is recruited by Hillary to take down TrollTrace.com and Gerald must become James Bond in order to save his country from the Giant Douche. However, it was all a huge conspiracy. Gerald winds up being set up and was sold out to Denmark. All the other trolls were told the same thing. Denmark has locked them all up and the trolls finally discover they have been Rick Rolled. What will happen to all these trolls?

Meanwhile, Bill Clinton, the almost first gentlemen of America, is joined by Bill Cosby start up a gentlemen’s club to promote fairness to women. Butters is not having it though. Butters absolutely stole this episode with his constant pickle pressing and smushing his snake everywhere. But our Mr. Gentlemen goes to speak with him. He warns that something is about to happen that we aren’t aware of.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and trust me, my wife is a crazy bitch.”

Hillary and all the other women out there are about to get payback, and we are all completely fucked. She has lost everything and she is piiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssssssssed. Women are sick of our shit and soon men are going to be caged underground and milked for their semen.

Lastly, Cartman continues to believe that girls are smart and funny but for the first time ever, he is genuinely scared for the future. He is afraid that what he said about Ghostbusters will come out and he forces Heidi to trust him and go with him to Mars. Cartman and Heidi arrive at SpaceX. Will he make it to Mars and avoid his own self-destruction?

Once again we see more suspense being built and even more questioned being raised. The new plotline of Hillary’s wrath is an interesting one but it seems to be a little too much all at once. The added complexity may take away from the plots that have taken so long to develop. There is a resurfacing of the South Park humor though with this new plotline. The biggest laughs were from being Rick Rolled and pickle pressing. Tune in next week to see if Cartman can escape to Mars like most Americans want to escape to Canada right now.

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