Home Gaming Party Brawler Bare Butt Boxing dropkicks a major content update

Party Brawler Bare Butt Boxing dropkicks a major content update

The update will come at 50% discount, just $7.99 USD, during the Steam Summer Sale


If you’ve been playing Bare Butt Boxing and been wanting to beat up your local friends then there’s good news! Local multiplayer is now a thing. Pummel your friends while hoarding all the points for ultimate bragging rights as you dominate the universe.

Space Bedroom, a new map, has also arrived joining existing favorites like the Waterfront Riviera, Skate Park, and other glorious locales. And don’t go thinking the ship is a safe space—you can smackdown at the aliens’ home base and leave your competition passed out in your dust.

Along with a new play area there’s also some customization in the form of new gloves and character skins to make your aliens really pop with style.

This is all thanks to the fans, who gave Tuatara Games their ideas and were rewarded with shiny new space booty.

So check out the Steam Summer Sale from now until July 13th to get your copy of Bare Butt Boxing for just half the regular price: $7.99$!

Bare Butt Boxing Image: Tuatara Games
Bare Butt Boxing Image: Tuatara Games
Bare Butt Boxing Image: Tuatara Games
Bare Butt Boxing Image: Tuatara Games

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