Jumping back into the fray after the mid-season break, Heroes Reborn wastes no time in this action packed episode that has many characters coming face-to-face at last. When we last left Katana Girl, she had somehow been transported to the future and where she met Tommy at Erica’s Gateway facility.
The teleporter transports Miko away from the Renautas CEO and realizes that she was in his last issue of 9th Wonders! We get a quick look at the last page and see the picture of late comic book creator Isaac Mendez. Sad feels. On the plus side though, Tommy tells Katana Girl that she must play a part in saving the world after she explains that it was her mission to rescue the master of time and space. But soon KG starts to digitally fade and she seems to finally accept the fact that she is only a computer construct. The real Miko Otomo is still asleep and is being held by Renautas to keep her father Hachiro in line.

Speaking of which, Erica is having Hachiro build a new eternal fortress and that is the only reason why he is still alive. Thinking this could be for young Tommy now that he has Hiro’s powers and his father probably did not survive the encounter with the clones.
Through the comic book, Katana Girl sees her future battle with Harris and tells Tommy that the reason she and Ren came to America was because the man had taken her father’s sword (actually Hiro’s Kensei sword). She also determines that he would be the one to send her on her final mission. Miko needs to head Sunstone Manor quickly as her hand begins to pixelate in and out again. Tommy wonders how he can possibly convince Erica that he’s actually gotten rid of her and she gives him her hair ribbon as proof. What a relief to know that he hasn’t gone over to the dark side. Before being sent back to the present though, she tells him that if he sees Ren to let the gamer know that she loved him too. Just as she travels back in time an angry Erica arrives and asks Tommy where KG went.
He fibs and explains that he had to teleport the Japanese girl away initially because she was trying to kill Erica and then she simply vanished. Erica inquires if KG said anything to which Tommy replies yes but it was in Japanese. He hands over Miko’s ribbon to the Renautas head and it disappears moments after, providing some proof to his story. Erica then has Tommy take herself and Otomo back to present Odessa (where the big showdown will be taking place).
Katana Girl next finds herself in a field outside Sunstone Manor where Carlos and Farah have rescued Jose and Micah although Father Mauricio gets killed. Unfortunately Matt Parkman managed to pull one over Rene and sent him away while gaining control of Taylor. She soon faces a hoard of clones but her final battle lies with Harris Prime. The two engage in a battle of axe vs. improvised spear with lots of twirling, kicking, and smacking. Just as Harris is about to kill computer Miko, she stabs Harris in the chest through her own fading stomach and then dealing the deathblow via decapitation. Oh Harris, don’t you know that you shouldn’t give long speeches before killing your victim? Carlos and the others come outside where he asks her who she was.
“I was Katana Girl,” she said before disappearing, for now at least.
Poor Ren never got a chance to say goodbye! But I’m guessing that he will probably have a shot with the real Miko when she wakes up, because she has to right? Otherwise that’s just real sad. As he makes his way to Odessa after encountering the Hachiro construct, Ren must somehow find a way to save the Otomos from Erica’s evil plan.
Katana Girl has fulfilled her role in rescuing Hiro from the eternal fortress so that he could bring HRG back to 2013 and become father to Tommy/Nathan as well as vanquishing her nemesis Harris Prime. In her short life she jumped in and out of reality and the virtual world, time traveled, and even fell in love. Not too shabby for a computer construct. While her storyline had borrowed greatly from Tron, it was nevertheless fun to watch in an over the top kind of way. You and your pink outfits will be missed KG.
Watch her final battle:
You can catch Heroes Reborn on NBC Thursdays 8/7 central.