Tag: Michael Gill

MR. ROBOT Season 1, Episode 10 "eps1.9_zer0-day.avi" GRADE: A+ "So this is what a revolution looks like? People in expensive clothing running around. Not how I pictured it. I wonder what stage they are at. Denial. Muttering to themselves, 'No,...
MR. ROBOT Season 1, Episode 9: "eps1.8_m1rr0r1ng.qt" GRADE: A (***WARNING: IF YOU DON'T WANT ANY SPOILERS, STOP READING NOW.***) We already know Mr. Robot doesn't exist. We've known it for quite some time. That's what this episode tells us. Mr....

‘Mr. Robot’ Review: Secrets, Lies and Memories

MR. ROBOT Season 1, Episode 8: "eps1.7_wh1ter0se.m4v" GRADE: A "Sometimes, it's hard to listen to an explanation...even when it's from myself...especially when it's from myself. It...

‘Mr. Robot’ Review: Elliot mourns while Angela deals with Colby

MR. ROBOT Season 1, Episode 7: "eps1.6_v1ew-s0urce.flv" GRADE: B+ If last week was the fatal car wreck that killed the one we loved, this week's cold open...

‘Mr. Robot’ Review: Shayla becomes a memory

MR. ROBOT Season 1, Episode 6: "eps1.5br4ve-trave1er.asf" GRADE: A- "eps1.5br4ve-trave1er.asf" revisits Fernando Vera, Shayla's former drug supplier who was tossed into prison after Elliot turned him in for...

‘Mr. Robot’ Review: fsociety vs. Steel Mountain

MR. ROBOT Season 1, Episode 5: "eps1.43xpl0its.wmv" GRADE: B+ When we last left Elliot and "fsociety", they were ready to lower the boom on Evil Corp by...

‘Mr. Robot’ Review: Elliot confronts his ‘daemons’

MR. ROBOT Season 1, Episode 4: "eps1.3_da3m0ns.mp4" GRADE: A- "Daemons. They don't stop working. They're always active. They seduce. They manipulate. They own us. And even though...

‘Mr. Robot’ Review: Elliot tries out a “normal life”

MR. ROBOT Season 1, Episode 3: "d3bug.mkv" GRADE: B+ "I'm gonna be more 'normal' now. Maybe Shayla can even be my new girlfriend. I'll go see those...

‘Mr. Robot’ Review: Elliot is forced to make a difficult choice

MR. ROBOT Season 1, Episode 2: "eps1.1_ones-and-zer0es.mpeg" GRADE: C When we last left Elliot, he had walked into Evil Corp's Skyscraper Meeting Room of Doom and...

‘Mr. Robot’ Review: Rami Malek is Jack’s blackhat hack

MR. ROBOT Season 1, Episode 1 "eps1.0_hellofriend.mov" GRADE: B "Hello, friend. "Hello, friend"...that's lame. Maybe I should give you a name. But that's a slippery slope. You're only...

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